Dear Friend and Fellow Spiritual Healer:

It’s no accident that you’ve found the web site for the Practical Mastery™ Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment web site.  I’m sure you believe, as I do, that nothing in life is pure chance, and in fact, we’re guided by energies and forces that people are just beginning to understand.  

The ironic thing is that many spiritual healers do not feel or believe that they possess any healing gifts at all. Many of you who are reading these words may not view yourself as a spiritual healer - but you are.  I personally never intended to become a healer myself - it is just something that happened as a natural aspect of my enlightenment process. 

The core of all healing is connecting with people from the heart and creating a safe environment for your client.  All alternative energy healing is sourced in love and so everyone to some extent is a spiritual healer. Each moment we choose whether to act from love or react from fear and when we choose to act with love we are acting as a spiritual healer in every sense of the word.

In a way energy healing is not something that a spiritual healer does at all. Ideally we act as a channel or conduit of healing energies from Spirit that are transmitted to the soul of the client to utilize for that being's highest good. Our responsibility as a spiritual healer is to let go and let Spirit do the work.

As a Practical Mastery™ Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment Practitioner, you’ll be able to clear energy – even from afar!

With the cutting edge Practical Mastery™ Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment modality, you can:

  • Work more closely with GOD to assist others

  • Clear negative thoughts, feelings and attitudes

  • Sweep away limiting beliefs from your consciousness

  • Purify even the most tragic or harrowing past

  • Transmit energy to anywhere on the planet

  • Send and nurture your positive emotions

I send you lots of love and light as you read these words,

Bill Austin
Spiritual Healer and Energy Healing Facilitator


How can I benefit from energy healing?

What is alternative healing all about?

If I become a Practical Mastery™ practitioner, how can I transmit these alternative energy healing sessions on to others?